Important dance dates, 2024-2025

First day of classes: Thursday, September 5, 2024​

Blocking rehearsal: TBD

Picture day:  TBD

Dress rehearsal:  TBD

Recital:  TBD

*If tuition payment is not received by the first class of the month, please pay by the 15th of that month to avoid a late fee of $25. 

ex: November/December tuition is due no later than November 15 to avoid the late fee.

2024-2025 DAnce CalendaR

 Holiday schedule (No classes), 2024-2025

Tuition payments are paid bi-monthly and due on the dancer's first class of the month:

  • September/October tuition due: with Fall registration
  • November/December tuition due:  11/02/24 -- 11/07/24 
  • ​January/February tuition due: 01/06/25 -- 01/11/25
  • March/April tuition due: 03/01/25 -- 03/06/25
  • ​May/June tuition due: 05/01/25 -- 05/07/25

Costume payment due date: Thursday, 10/30/24 

  •  $75 per costume (every class requires a costume)
  • Late fee: $25 per costume

Recital T-shirt payment due date: Thursday, 02/27/25

  • $25 per t-shirt (every student requires a recital t-shirt)
  • Late Fee: $5 per shirt

 Important payment dates, 2024-2025

Halloween: Thursday, 10/31/24

Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, 11/27/24 to Sunday, 12/01/24

Winter Break: Friday, 12/20/24 to Sunday, 01/06/25

Mid-Winter Break: Sunday, 02/16/25 to Sunday, 02/23/25 

Spring Break: TBD

Memorial Day: Monday, 05/26/25